Systems-on-Chip Design
B.Eng. 4th Year, MASc/MEng/PhD
Lecture: DCC204                   Lab: ENG412
Gul N. Khan

  Electrical, Computer and Biomedical Engineering

COE838 / EE8221: Systems on Chip Design



 Lecture Notes

 Course Outline


 Problem Sets

 Sample-Mid-term Exam

 Sample-Final Exam


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Copyright notice for the IEEE, ARM, CMC, Xilinx, Altera, Microtronix and Motorola related materials posted in this website: Personal use of these materials is for the students of COE838/EE8221 course. However, permission to reprint/republish these materials for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works, must be obtained from the IEEE, ARM, CMC, Xilinx, Altera, Microtronix and Motorola. 

Cospecification Langauges and Environments
SystemC on-line Training and Tutorial
SystemC Tutorial and Examples
SystemC 2.3. Language Reference Draft Document 
System Level Design Using the SystemC Modeling Platform  
SystemC v2.0.1 White Paper
SystemC v2.0.1 User's Guide
SystemC v2.0.1 v2.0.1 Functional Specification

Embedded SoPC: System on Programmable Chips
DE1-SoC Board User Manual and Data Sheet
Cyclone V Manual and Data Sheet

Nios-II Embedded Processor Reference
Nios-II Hardware Tutorial  
Nios-II Embedded Design Simulation Application Note
Avalon Bus Switch Fabric
Avalon BUS Spec Reference Manual

DE1-SoC and Android Configuration

ARM CPU and Cortex Core Specifications
Cortex-A9 Technical Reference Manual

DE1-SoC FPGA A9 MPCore Information Brief (Altera) 

Cortex-A7 Technical Reference Manual
Cortex-A57 Technical Reference Manual

ARM-Instruction Set
ARM7TDMI Tech Specs and Programming

Co-design Overview Paper
Computer-Aided Hardware Software Codesign
Hardware Software Codesign of Embedded Systems

NOC and System on Chip

On-Chip Networks e-book
Download free from Ryerson University Library Webpage
NoC Design Case-Studies Related Papers
#1 Throughput-Oriented NoC Topology Generation and Analysis for High Performance SoCs
#2 Statically adaptive multi-FIFO buffer Architecture for Network-on-Chip

JPEG/MPEG Compression Overview Papers and Reports
JPEG Compression-Overview
JPEG Compression-Standard
MPEG Coding-Standards
MPEG Block Matching Info for projects
MP3-Decoder Code