This book provides readers with a comprehensive treatment of the principles, circuit design techniques, and applications of injection-locking in mixed-mode signal processing, with an emphasis on CMOS implementation. Major topics include: An overview of injection-locking, the principle of injection-locking in harmonic and non-harmonic oscillators, lock range enhancement techniques for harmonic oscillators, lock range enhancement techniques for non-harmonic oscillators, and the emerging applications of injection-locking in mixed-mode signal processing.

CRC Press, ISBN: 9781138580015, 2018 F. YUAN, Ed.
The book addresses the need to investigate new approaches to lower energy requirement in multiple application areas and serves as a guide into emerging circuit technologies. It explores revolutionary device concepts, sensors, and associated circuits and architectures that will greatly extend the practical engineering limits of energy-efficient computation. The book responds to the need to develop disruptive new system architecutres, circuit microarchitectures, and attendant device and interconnect technology aimed at achieving the highest level of computational energy efficiency for general purpose computing systems.

CRC Press, ISBN: 9781439856215, 2016 L. KIRISCHIAN
Reconfigurable Computing Systems Engineering: Virtualization of Computing Architecture describes the organization of reconfigurable computing system (RCS) architecture and discusses the pros and cons of different RCS architecture implementations. Providing a solid understanding of RCS technology and where it's most effective, this book:
• Details the architecture organization of RCS platforms for application-specific workloads
• Covers the process of the architectural synthesis of hardware components for system-on-chip (SoC) for the RCS
• Explores the virtualization of RCS architecture from the system and on-chip levels
• Presents methodologies for RCS architecture run-time integration according to mode of operation and rapid adaptation to changes of multi-parametric constraints
• Includes illustrative examples, case studies, homework problems, and references to important literature.

Cambridge University Press, ISBN: 978-1107056718, 2016 A. ANPALAGAN, M. Bennis, R. Vannithamby (Eds.)
This comprehensive resource covers everything you need to know about small cell networks, from design, to analysis, optimization and deployment. Detailing fundamental concepts as well as more advanced topics, and describing emerging trends, challenges and recent research results, this book explains how you can improve performance, decision making, resource management, and energy efficiency in next generation wireless networks. Key topics covered include green small cell networks and associated trade-offs, optimized design and performance analysis, backhauling and traffic overloading, context-aware self-organizing networks, deployment strategies and mobility management in large scale HetNets. Written by leading experts in academia and industry and including tools and techniques for small cell network design and deployment, this is an ideal resource for graduate students, researchers and industry practitioners working in communications and networking.

Springer, ISBN: 978-9-811-00022-5, 2016. Y. Xu and A. ANPALAGAN
This book is based on recent research findings in dynamic spectrum access for cognitive radio networks. It establishes a game-theoretic framework and presents cutting-edge technologies for distributed interference coordination. With game-theoretic formulation and the designed distributed learning algorithms, it provides insights into the interactions between multiple decision-makers and the converging stable states. Researchers, scientists and engineers in the field of cognitive radio networks will benefit from the book, which provides valuable information, useful methods and practical algorithms for use in emerging 5G wireless communication.
Time-mode circuits, where information is represented by time difference between digital events, offer a viable and technology-friendly means to realize mixed-mode circuits and systems in nanometer complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technologies. Various architectures of time-based signal processing and design techniques of CMOS time-mode circuits have emerged; however, an in-depth examination of the principles of time-based signal processing and design techniques of time-mode circuits has not been available—until now.

Wiley, ISBN: 978-1-118-79706-8, 2014.
This book provides a detailed study of radio over fiber (ROF)-based wireless communication systems, otherwise called fiber wireless (Fi-Wi) systems. It is an emerging hot topic, where the abundant bandwidth of optical fiber is combined directly with the flexibility and mobility of wireless networks to provide broadband connectivity. The book provides substantial material on the ROF part of the complete Fi-Wi system, including new research results on compensation methods.

Springer, ISBN: 978-3-319-04636-5, 2014.
P. He, LIAN ZHAO, S. Zhou, A. Niu
This brief introduces the fundamental theory and development of managing radio resources using a water-filling algorithm that can optimize system performance in wireless communication. Geometric Water-Filling (GWF) is a crucial underlying tool in emerging communication systems such as multiple input multiple output systems, cognitive radio systems, and green communication systems. Early chapters introduce emerging wireless technologies and provide a detailed analysis of water-filling. The brief investigates single user and multi-user issues of radio resource management, allocation of resources, and energy harvesting. Effective algorithms demonstrate the incredible potential capabilities of water-filling mechanisms.

Wiley Press, ISBN: 978-1-118-72910-6, 2014.
Nilanjan Chaudhuri, Balarko Chaudhuri, Rajat Majumder, AMIRNASER YAZDANI
A multi-terminal DC (MTDC) grid interconnecting multiple AC systems and offshore energy sources (e.g. wind farms) across the nations and continents would allow effective sharing of intermittent renewable resources and open market operation for secure and cost-effective supply of electricity. However, such DC grids are unprecedented with no operational experience. Despite lots of discussions and specific visions for setting up such MTDC grids particularly in Europe, none has yet been realized in practice due to two major technical barriers: the lack of proper understanding about the interaction between a MTDC grid and the surrounding AC systems; and the commercial unavailability of efficient DC side fault current interruption technology for conventional voltage sourced converter systems.

Wiley-IEEE Press, ISBN: 978-0-470-27833-8, 2014.
Matthew Kyan, Paisarn Muneesawang, Kambiz Jarrah, LING GUAN
To aid in intelligent data mining, this book introduces a new family of unsupervised algorithms that have a basis in self-organization, yet are free from many of the constraints typical of other well known self-organizing architectures. It then moves through a series of pertinent real world applications with regards to the processing of multimedia data from its role in generic image processing techniques such as the automated modeling and removal of impulse noise in digital images, to problems in digital asset management, and its various roles in feature extraction, visual enhancement, segmentation, and analysis of microbiological image data.

Chapman and Hall/CRC, ISBN: 978-1466590656, 2013.
GUL N. KHAN, Krzysztof Iniewski (Eds)
A high-performance embedded application is partitioned into various tasks that can be implemented on hardware or software running on the embedded processor. This book introduces issues related to the co-design of embedded systems, code optimization for a variety of embedded and networking applications, power and performance trade-offs, benchmarks for evaluating embedded systems and their components, and mobile sensor network systems. It also covers state-of-the-art applications such as mobile sensor systems and video networks.

Springer Publishers, ISBN: 978-1461435136, 2013.
I. Woungang, S. K. Dhurandher, ALAGAN ANPALAGAN, A. V. Vasilakos (Eds)
This book provides a comprehensive guide to selected topics, both ongoing and emerging, in routing in OppNets. Consisting of contributions from well known and high profile researchers and scientists in their respective specialties, the main topics that are covered in this book include mobility and routing, social-aware routing, context-based routing, energy-aware routing, incentive-aware routing, stochastic routing, modeling of intermittent connectivity, in both infrastructure and infrastructure-less OppNets. This book is an ideal reference for practitioners and researchers working in the afore-mentioned areas. It also serves as an excellent textbook for graduate and senior undergraduate courses in communication and wireless networking research.

Wiley-IEEE Press, 2011.
BIN WU, K. Lang, N. Zargari and S. Kouro
The book presents the latest power conversion and control technology in modern wind energy systems. It has nine chapters, covering technology overview and market survey, electric generators and modeling, power converters and modulation techniques, wind turbine characteristics and configurations, and control schemes for fixed- and variable-speed wind energy systems. The book also provides in-depth steady-state and dynamic analysis of squirrel cage induction generator, doubly fed induction generator, and synchronous generator based wind energy systems.

Springer, New York, ISBN: 978-1-4419-7679-6, Oct. 2010
This book provides a comprehensive treatment of the design principles and implementation of CMOS circuits and systems for passive wireless microsystems. Major subjects covered in the book include: passive wireless microsystems, radio-frequency power harvest, data encoding, modulators and demodulators, low-power precision voltage references, clock generation and calibration, and low-power analog-to-digital converters. This book's contents serve as an exhaustive survey of recently published work in this fast evolving field, and are presented with an emphasis on both the design principles and in-depth comparison of the pros and cons of the designs.

IEEE/John-Wiley, ISBN: 978-0-470-52156-4, 464 pages, Feb. 2010.
This book provides a comprehensive modeling approach, detailed control design methodologies and procedures, and wide coverage of the applications of voltage-sourced power electronic converters in electric power systems. Typical applications include wind power conversion and integration in the utility power system; solar-PV power conversion and integration in electric power systems; and, various types of distributed energy resource integration in electric distribution systems.

2nd Edition, CRC Press, December 2009.
K.H. Yap, LING GUAN, S.W. Perry, H.S. Wong
Illustrating essential aspects of adaptive image processing from a computational intelligence viewpoint, the second edition of Adaptive Image Processing: A Computational Intelligence Perspective provides an authoritative and detailed account of computational intelligence (CI) methods and algorithms for adaptive image processing in regularization, edge detection, and early vision.

IEEE COMSOC Wireless ISBN: 978-0-470-4336-9, 2009.
G. Giannattasio, J. Erfanian, P. Wills, H. Nguyen, T.Croda, K. Rauscher, XAVIER FERNANDO, N. Pavlidou and D. Wong
The information presented in this book reflects the evolution of wireless technologies, their impact on the profession, and the industry's commonly accepted best practices. Organized into seven main areas of expertise, A Guide to the Wireless Engineering Body of Knowledge (WEBOK) enhances readers' understanding of: wireless access technologies; network and service architecture; network management and security; radio frequency engineering, propagation, and antennas; facilities infrastructure, agreements, standards, policies, and regulations; and wireless engineering fundamentals.

Springer, New York, ISBN: 978-0-387-76477-1, 2008. FEI YUAN
Many new topologies and circuit design techniques have emerged recently to improve the performance of CMOS active inductors and transformers. However, a comprehensive treatment of the theory, topology, characteristics, and design constraints has not been available. CMOS Active Inductors and Transformers: Principle, Implementation, and Applications provides a systematic presentation and a detailed examination of the operation principles and implementations, and discusses their emerging applications in high-speed analog signal processing and data communications.
This book presents the latest cutting-edge technology in high-power converters and medium voltage drives, and provides a complete analysis of various converter topologies, modulation techniques, practical drive configurations, and advanced control schemes. Supplemented with more than 250 illustrations, the author illustrates key concepts with simulations and experiments. Practical problems, along with accompanying solutions, are presented to help you tackle real-world issues.

Springer, ISBN: 978-0-387-25627-6, 2006.
P. Muneesawang and LING GUAN
Presents state-of-the-art in visual media retrieval. Coverage of adaptive content-based retrieval systems and techniques in image and video database applications. Includes a novel machine-controlled interactive retrieval (MCIR) method that optimizes image search in distributed digital libraries over the Internet.

Springer, New York, ISBN: 0-387-29758-8, 2006.
This book deals with the analysis and design of CMOS current-mode circuits for data communications. CMOS current-mode sampled-data networks, i.e. switched-current circuits, are excluded. Major subjects covered in the book include: a critical comparison of voltage-mode and current-mode circuits; the building blocks of current-mode circuits: design techniques; modeling of wire channels, electrical signaling for Gbps data communications; ESD protection for current-mode circuits and more. This book will appeal to IC design engineers, hardware system engineers and others.

Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, ISBN 1-4020-7922-2, 2004. FEI YUAN and A. Opal
Computer Methods for Analysis of Mixed-Mode Switching Circuits provides an in-depth treatment of the principles and implementation details of computer methods and numerical algorithms for analysis of mixed-mode switching circuits. Major topics include: computer-oriented formulation of mixed-mode switching circuits; network functions of linear and nonlinear time-varying systems; numerical Laplace inversion based integration algorithms and inconsistent initial conditions; time domain analysis of periodically switched linear and nonlinear circuits including response, sensitivity, noise, clock jitter, and statistical quantities.

CRC Press, ISBN: 0-8493-3492-6, 2000.
LING GUAN, S.Y. Kung and J. Larsen, Eds.
Multimedia stands as one of the most challenging and exciting aspects of the information era. Although there are books available that deal with various facets of multimedia, the field has urgently needed a comprehensive look at recent developments in the systems, processing, and applications of image and video data in a multimedia environment.Multimedia Image and Video Processing fills that need. Beginning with existing standards and their impact on multimedia image and video processing, experts from around the world address a broad spectrum of topics in a tutorial style.