Code: Level: Venue: Instructor: |
Embedded Systems Design COE 718 B.Eng. 4th Year Lecture: DSQ09 Lab: ENG408 Gul N. Khan |
Electrical, Computer and Biomedical Engineering |
Copyright statement: The following material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. These works may not be re-posted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.Please note:- There is a 5% per day penalty for late submission of the labs and project. 1. Lab1: Introduction to
uVision (A Tutorial)
5. Course Project (15% Marks) Project Design, Implementation and Submission DetailsThe project consists of three main components: written reports including source code, demo/presentation and oral component. The standard project is individual. Please note that your Course Project is the standard project.Projects will be evaluated according to the marks (out of 100) as per following schedule. Project summary (One page) carries
10% marks Interim Report: It will help the
students to start on the final report. Interim
report must have the objectives, block diagrams
and/or flow charts, progress made and future plans
for the project. There may be a short demo also
(check with your Lab supervisor). Interim report
carries 20% of the project marks. Final Demo: It carries 30% of the
project marks. Source Code: Project code should
be explained and documented well. It carries 10% of
the project marks. Code source files can be
submitted as Appendix in the Final report. Final Report: It carries 30% of
the project marks.
Project Final Report Format
Final report of the project should be of 10-15 pages
with the following IEEE paper like format.
Project is being Offered in Fall
Generally, course project is to be carried out individually. For complex projects a team of two students can be allowed. Students must provide the detailed specification of the project and other information as part of the project summary. Students can propose their own project or select a project in the general areas of Embedded Systems. Some typical projects are given below. Students need to develop a formal project specification and get its approval from the instructor/lab supervisor before its design and prototype implementation.
Please Note: 1. There is 5% per day penalty for late submission of the labs and project.