Embedded Systems Design
COE 718
B.Eng. 4th Year
Lecture: DSQ09                Lab: ENG408
Gul N. Khan

  Electrical, Computer and Biomedical Engineering
Labs and  Project


 Course Outline

 Lecture Notes

 Support Material

 Problem Sets

 Sample-Mid-term Exam

 Sample-Final Exam


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 Copyright notice for the IEEE, ARM, and Intel-Altera related materials posted in this website: Personal use of these materials is for the students of COE718 course. However, permission to reprint/republish these materials for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works, must be obtained from the IEEE, ARM, AMD-Xilinx, and Intel-Altera.   
Labs and Project
    Please note:-  There is a 5% per day penalty for late submission of the labs and project.

  1. Lab1: Introduction to uVision (A Tutorial)   
2. Lab2: Exploring ARM Cortex M3 Features 
3. Lab3a: RTX based Task Scheduling
  4. Lab3b: Real-time Scheduling for Multi-threaded Applications
  5. Lab4: Real-time Scheduling and Priority Inversion 

  5. Course Project (15% Marks)

    Project Design, Implementation and Submission Details 
The project consists of three main components: written reports including source code, demo/presentation and oral component. The standard project is individual. Please note that your  Course Project is the standard project.
   Projects will be evaluated according to the marks (out of 100) as per following schedule.

      Project summary (One page) carries 10% marks

      Interim Report: It will help the students to start on the final report. Interim report must have the objectives, block diagrams and/or flow charts, progress made and future plans for the project. There may be a short demo also (check with your Lab supervisor). Interim report carries 20% of the project marks.

      Final Demo: It carries 30% of the project marks.

      Source Code: Project code should be explained and documented well. It carries 10% of the project marks. Code source files can be submitted as Appendix in the Final report.

      Final Report: It carries 30% of the project marks.

      Project Summary

      Project summary is more like a subjective summary of the project that can be two paragraphs a student may submit. It does not require any big thinking for writing it. Students can read the posted project as  above and extract 1-2 paragraphs of their own to describe the specification of the project and its prototyping details. Students can summarize the project work they will be undertaking during the rest of semester. It should also consists of the subjective details. Specifically the project prototyping details in terms of design and implementation i.e. your approach with different steps including specification, design and implementation.

      Project Final Report Format 

      Final report of the project should be of 10-15 pages with the following IEEE paper like format. 
         1. The report must be typed and have some Figures and/or drawings of your own. 
         2. Avoid Cut and paste of Figures from other papers or manuals. 
         3. A suitable Font (Bookman, Courier, Times New Roman) of size 11 or 12 points. 
         4. Single line spacing. 
         5. Pages of letter size with 1.0" top, bottom, left and right margins. 
         6. The report must have the following sections: 
             Introduction, Past Work or Review, Methodology, Design, Experimental Results, 
             Conclusions, Reference. You can always have some more sections like Appendix, etc.

 In-Lab/In-Person Project is being Offered in Fall 2024
 Media Center Project Specification and other Details

Generally, course project is to be carried out individually. For complex projects a team of two students can be allowed. Students must provide the detailed specification of the project and other information as part of the project summary. Students can propose their own project or select a project in the general areas of Embedded Systems. Some typical projects are given below. Students need to develop a formal project specification and get its approval from the instructor/lab supervisor before its design and prototype implementation.

  Some typical extended Projects are given below.    

1. Study of MPEG video file format and development of an MPEG decoder embedded software for an ARM Cortex M3 CPU based MCB1700 den board.
2. Study of MP3 audio encoding and propose a software solution. Then implement your solution with ARM-Cortex M3 (MCB1700) board based solution .
3. Model and implement a suitable hardware-software design for a standard JPEG file encoder/ decoder for color images by using a Cyclone IV FPGA board for implementation.
4. Design and implement an embedded system suitable for a (student) proposed  embedded application. The system may consist of ARM-Cortex M3 (MCB1700 Dev Board), NIOS-II CPU (DE2 board), memory, serial interface, parallel interface for LCD, etc.
5. Configure a typical embedded computer system on the DE2 or MCB1700 board and then implement a real-time application based on an RTOS such as RTX.

  Please Note:

1. There is 5% per day penalty for late submission of the labs and project.
2. All of the required course specific written reports including labs, projects and assignments will be assessed not only on their technical or academic merit, but also on the communication skills of the author as exhibited through these reports.
3. Midterm exam will also cover the corresponding laboratories to enforce individual lab attempts.