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Award Announcements

OCE Industrial Research and Development Grant

Nov 21, 2005

Congratulations to Vadim Geurkov and Lev Kirischian in securing Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE) Funding through the MMO Interact Grant Program for their projects titled :

  1. Development of an FPGA Based Platform with a SEU Self-Restoration Capability; Principal Investigator: V. Geurkov.
  2. FPGA based Stream Processing Platform with Temporal Partitioning Mechanism; Principal Investigator: L. Kirischian.

These projects will feature an industrial partnership with a Broadband Systems Company.

Best wishes for all the success in the project,
Sri Krishnan

Outstanding IEEE Chapter for Activities in 2004

Sri Krishnan receives the award
from Paul Gratz, President of AESS.

Oct 16, 2005

IEEE Toronto Section's Aerospace and Electronics Systems Society (AESS), which was part of the the Joint Chapter of IEEE Signals and Applications, chaired by Sri Krishnan has been awarded the "Outstanding Chapter for Activities in the Year 2004". This award was presented in the Chapter Summit and 2005 Section's Congress in Tampa, Florida on Oct. 13, 2005.

2004/05 Research Excellence Awards

Aug 9, 2005

I am pleased to announce that the winners of the 2004/05 Faculty Research Excellence Awards are:

An awards ceremony will be scheduled in the Fall'05 term to honour our Research Excellence Award winners. Many excellent applicants were considered by the Awards Selection Committee, and the competition was difficult.

On behalf of all of the Faculty, I would like to express my sincere congratulations to the award winners, and to thank the Committee for their dedication and hard work.

Dr. Stalin Boctor, P.Eng.

2004/05 Teaching Excellence Awards

Jul 30, 2005

I am pleased to announce that the winners of the 2004/05 Faculty Teaching Excellence Awards are:

An awards ceremony will be scheduled in the Fall'05 term to honour our Teaching Excellence Award winners. Many excellent applicants were considered by the Awards Selection Committee, and the competition was difficult.

On behalf of all of the Faculty, I would like to express my sincere congratulations to the award winners, and to thank the Committee for their dedication and hard work.

Dr. Stalin Boctor, P.Eng.

Distributed Multimedia Computing Research Lab

Jun 21, 2005

It is my great pleasure to announce that Drs. D. Androutsos, O. Das, and A. Abhari (from the Department of Computer Science) have been awarded CFI New Opportunities funding to establish a state-of-the-art research lab in Distributed Multimedia Computing. The New Opportunities fund enables eligible universities to provide world-class infrastructure for newly-recruited faculty members to undertake leading-edge research in their first full-time academic appointment.

Congratulations to the award winners!

This is the 5th time in the past 4 years that the Department has been awarded CFI New Opportunities funding; the other four CFI New Opportunities funded labs are:

Sri Krishnan,

IEEE Ryerson Professor of the Year Award

May 30, 2005

It is with great pleasure that I announce Dr. M. S. Zywno is the recipient of the 2005 IEEE Ryerson Professor of the Year Award.

Students in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering voted for Dr. Zywno to receive this award. A plaque honoring her achievement was presented to her during the Departmental Council meeting on May 30, 2005. Congratulations to Dr. Zywno.

A. Anpalagan
IEEE Ryerson Counselor

Best T.A. Awards

May 30, 2005

This year the Department has introduced the Best TA awards to recognize the outstanding contributions of teaching assistants (TAs) in their role in providing an enhanced learning experience to our undergraduate students.

I am pleased to announce to you that the TA Selection Committee has finalized its evaluation for the Best TA Award, and the two winners in the inaugural year are:

Congratulations to the winners, and to all the TAs for their invaluable contributions in providing a good teaching experience in the labs and tutorials.

Sri Krishnan,

IEEE Transactions Best Paper Award

May 24, 2005

The research paper entitled, Quantifying and recognizing human movement patterns from monocular video images - Part I: A new framework for modeling human motion, by R.D. Green and L. Guan, has been awarded the 2005 IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology Best Paper Award. This is an outstanding achievement, and congratulations to Drs. Green and Guan for this recognition from the world renowed IEEE society. The award will be presented in the ISCAS conference in Kobe, Japan.

NSERC Discovery Grants

May 18, 2005


May 18, 2005

Anapalagan, A. and Krishnan, S., Multipath mitigation of GNSS carrier phase signals.

Canadian Engineers' Award

May 18, 2005

Our sincere congratulations to Dr. M. S. Zywno, for being awarded the 2005 Medal for Distinction in Engineering Education; the medal is one of the Canadian Engineers' Awards.

The Canadian Engineers' Awards are presented annually by CCPE to recognize outstanding Canadian engineering, teams of engineers, engineering projects and engineering students. The awards highlight engineering excellence, as well as the contributions of Canadian engineers to their profession, their community, and to the safety and well-being of Canadians.

NSERC Student Scholarships

May 18, 2005

Ontario Graduate Scholarships

May 18, 2005

Congratulations to the following graduate students for winning the 2004-2005 Ontario Graduate Scholarships (OGS) open competition. OGS awards are valued at $15,000/year.

NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Awards

May 18, 2005

Congratulations to the following undergraduate students in winning the meritorious NSERC USRA award to conduct research in Summer 2005: A. Faizi, M. Lian, B. Ghali, M. Kowsari, S. Ziaee A. Ghaffaryhagh, M. Aram. The awards are valued at a minimum of $5,625 for 4 months.

Best Design Project Winners

May 18, 2005

The following 5 EDP projects were selected as Best Design Projects in the 2005 Open House.

The initial assessment was provided by the Project FLCs, and a subsequent evaluation by a team of six independent reviewers chose the winners. The final selection was based on the design challenge involved, the competence shown by the students in successfully meeting the milestones and their presentation skills.

As announced earlier their projects will be entered into a bigger competition in the International Conference for Upcoming Engineers (ICUE 2005) to be held in University of Windsor on May 20 and 21.

To facilitate participation in this competition, the IEEE Toronto Section is providing a $200 grant to each team.

IEEE Canada Best paper Award

May 18, 2005

Congratulations to Ryan Caldwell and Litifa Noor for winning the $250 Hackbusch Award for Best Paper by University Students in the presitigious IEEE Canada Student Paper Competition; the wining papers were:

IEEE Canada Best Website Award

May 18, 2005

IEEE Ryerson website was voted as the Best Website, and our deep congratulations to the IEEE Student Branch Executive for placing Ryerson in the top position. The message from IEEE Region is as follows:

We're happy to announce the regional winners of the Student Branch Website Competition. There were 11 entries in total, and all were strong. Nine judges took part in selecting the winners. The top three finishers were:
  1. Ryerson
  2. UBC
  3. Concordia

The top two finishers (Ryerson and UBC) have been moved along to the international competition, and the results of the judging will be available in the next few weeks.

Sharon Keillor Award

Apr. 26, 2005

It gives me great pleasure to inform you that Dr. M. S. Zywno, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering has been selected to receive the 2005 Sharon Keillor Award for Women in Engineering Education from the American Society for Engineering Education. The award will be presented at an awards ceremony on June 11th during the 2005 Annual ASEE Conference.

Personally and on behalf of the Faculty, we wish you continued success in your scholarly and professional endeavours and sincere congratulations on your outstanding achievement.

Dr. Stalin Boctor, P.Eng.

IEEE Toronto Section Grants for ICUE2005

Apr. 10, 2005

There will be a maximum of 5 grant awards available for Ryerson Electrical and Computer Engineering students to present their 4th year Design Projects at the 2005 International Conference for Upcoming Engineers (ICUE 2005) to be held in the University of Windsor. These awards are sponsored by the IEEE Toronto Section and each award is valued at $200. The winning projects will be selected during the Design Project Open House on May 4, 2005 and the winners will be notified soon after.

RRC: Computer Systems And VLSI Research

Feb. 1, 2005

It is my immense pleasure to congratulate Dr. F. Yuan for having been selected as the Ryerson Research Chair (RRC). The RRC program provides outstanding researchers at Ryerson, both the recognition of their present accomplishments and the opportunity to significantly extend their future research activities and accomplishments. Individuals selected as a RRC will be provided with support over a period of up to two years that will enable them to focus their energies, during the award period, primarily on their research activities.

This award, without any doubt, will further enhance his highly successful research in the Microelectronics Circuits and Sytems area, and will continue to produce high quality undergraduates, graduates, and research associates for academic and high-technology industries.

This is the second RRC in the Department, Dr. B. Wu was appointed as a RRC in Power Engineering in 2004. I wish the RRCs all the success, and also best wishes for many more RRCs in the Department.

Sri Krishnan,