Javad Alirezaie
Javad Alirezaie received his B.Sc. degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Tehran University in 1988 and his M.A.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Systems Design Engineering (specializing in Biomedical Engineering) from University of Waterloo in 1993 and 1997, respectively. He was a postdoctoral fellow at McMaster University for one year and was an Assistant Professor at Wilfred Laurier and Lakehead universities from 1998-2000. He joined Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson University) in 2001. He is currently a Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and an adjunct professor with the Department of Systems Design Engineering at University of Waterloo. Dr Alirezaie is the author / coauthor of over 100 research papers in refereed journals and conference proceedings to date and is involved in a variety of funded research projects. Dr. Alirezaie is the Associate Editor of Medical Physics journal and a program committee member of the CRV and ICIAR conferences. He is also a licensed Professional Engineer (P.Eng.), and a member of IEEE, SPIE, and EMB society.
Biomedical signals and image processing, computer aided diagnosis, neural networks, pattern recognition, computer vision and modeling, bioinformatics and bioengineering.
- Maryam Gholizadeh-Ansari, Javad Alirezaie, Paul Babyn. “Deep Learning for Low-Dose CT Denoising Using Perceptual Loss and Edge Detection Layer, Published First Online: Journal of Digital Imaging, 12 September 2019. JDIM-D-18-00494.
- Zulma Sandoval, Miguel Castro, Javad Alirezaie, Francis Bessière, Cyril Lafon , “Transesophageal 2D Ultrasound to 3D Computed Tomography registration for the guidance of a High Intensity Focused Ultrasound cardiac arrhythmia therapy”, Physics in Medicine & Biology. 63: 13. July 2018.
- Azar Tolouee, Javad Alirezaie, and Paul Babyn. “Nonrigid Motion Compensation in Compressed Sensing Reconstruction of Cardiac Cine MRI”, Magnetic Resonance Imaging Journal, 46, 114-120, 2018.
- Fariba Shaker; Javad Alirezaie, Ahmad Reza Naghsh-Nilchi, “A Dictionary Learning Approach for Human Sperm Heads Classification”, Computers in Biology and Medicine, Volume 91 Issue C, December 2017.
- A. Tolouee, J. Alirezaie, P. Babyn, "Compressed sensing reconstruction of cardiac cine MRI using golden angle spiral trajectories", Journal of Magnetic Resonance, Volume 260, November 2015, Pages 10-19.
- Mahdi Marsousi, Kaveh Abhari, Paul Babyn, Javad Alirezaie, "An Adaptive Approach to Learn Overcomplete Dictionaries With Efficient Numbers of Elements", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Volume: 62, Issue: 12 , Page(s) 3272-3283, June 2014.