Copyright © Reza Samavi. All rights reserved.
Hamed Karimi and Reza Samavi, "Evidential Uncertainty Sets in Deep Classifiers Using Conformal Prediction." In Proceedings of the 13th Symposium on Conformal and Probabilistic Prediction with Applications (COPA 2024), Machine Learning Research (PMLR), vol. 230, Sep. 2024.
Daniel Sadiq and Reza Samavi, "Certified Robustness Guarantee for Ensemble Networks." In Proceedings of the 37th Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (Canadian AI 2024), May 2024.
Hirad Daneshvar, Omar Boursalie, Reza Samavi, Thomas E Doyle, Laura Duncan, Paulo Pires, and Roberto Sassi "SOK: Application of machine learning models in child and youth mental health decision-making." Artificial Intelligence for Medicine, Issue. 24, pp 113-132, Elsevier, 2024.
Simran Saggu, Hirad Daneshvar, Reza Samavi, Paulo Pires, Roberto B Sassi, Thomas E Doyle, Judy Zhao, Ahmad Mauluddin, and Laura Duncan "Prediction of emergency department revisits among child and youth mental health outpatients using deep learning techniques." BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, Issue. 1, Volume 24, article 42, BioMed Central, 2024.
Hirad Daneshvar and Reza Samavi, "GCE: Confidence Calibration Error for Improved Trustworthiness of Graph Neural Networks." In Proceedings of the 37th Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (Canadian AI 2024), May 2024.
Heydarian Firouz, Aba Mohammadreza, Thomas Edward Doyle, and Reza Samavi. "SYSTEMS, METHODS, AND COMPUTER PROGRAM PRODUCTS FOR EVALUATING MACHINE LEARNING MODEL PERFORMANCE." US Patent: No.18436182, Aug. 2024.
Mina Yazdani, Hamed Karimi, and Reza Samavi "DENL: Diverse Ensemble and Noisy Logits for Improved Robustness of Neural Networks." In the Proceedings of the Asian Conference on Machine Learning (ACML 2023), PMLR, Nov. 2023.
Cassandra Czobit and Reza Samavi. "CycleGAN Models for MRI Image Translation." arXiv preprint arXiv:2401.00023 (2023).
Mini Thomas, Omar Boursalie, Reza Samavi, and Thomas E. Doyle. "Data-driven approach to quantify trust in medical devices using Bayesian networks." Experimental Biology and Medicine (EBM), special issue on Applied Artificial Intelligence in Biomedicine and Healthcare, Vol. 248, Issue. 24, SAGE Publications, Dec. 2023.
Rasha Kashef, Monika Freunek, Jeff Schwartzentruber, Reza Samavi, Burcu Bulgurcu, AJ Khan, Marcus Santos, "Bridging the bubbles: Connecting academia and industry in cybersecurity research." In the Proceedings of the IEEE Secure Development Conference (SecDev 2023), Nov. 2023.
Wayne CW Giang, Alyssa Iglar, Mark Chignell, Reza Samavi, and Kopiha Nathan, "The Privacy Attitudes Questionnaire (PAQ) Turned 20: What’s Next for a Generalized Measure of Privacy Attitudes?." In the Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting (HFES 2023), Washington, USA, Oct. 2023.
Mini Thomas, Omar Boursalie, Reza Samavi, and Thomas E. Doyle. "Bayesian-based parameter estimation to quantify trust in medical devices." In 5th International Workshop on Health Intelligence (W3PHIAI@AAAI 2023) at the 37th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, published as part of the Artificial Intelligence for Personalized Medicine book series (SCI, vol. 1106), pp 95-108, February 2023.
Yuting Liang and Reza Samavi. "Advanced defensive distillation with ensemble voting and noisy logits." Applied Intelligence 53.3 (2023): 3069-3094.
Hamed Karimi and Reza Samavi. "Quantifying Deep Learning Model Uncertainty in Conformal Prediction." AAAI Summer HUMAN-AI Symposium (2023).
Kashef, Rasha, Monika Freunek, Jeff Schwartzentruber, Reza Samavi, Burcu Bulgurcu, A. J. Khan, and Marcus Santos. "Bridging the Bubbles: Connecting Academia and Industry in Cybersecurity Research." arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.13955 (2023).
H. Daneshvar and R. Samavi, "Questionnaire Graph Embedding for Early Prediction of Mental Health Emergency Department Admission". Poster presentation in 2023 Vector Institute Research Symposium, Feb. 2023.
H. Karimi and R. Samavi, "Evidence-based Subjective Classification Cost in Deep Neural Networks". Poster presentation in 2023 Vector Institute Research Symposium, Feb. 2023.
Moe Sabry and Reza Samavi. "ArchiveSafe LT: Secure Long-term Archiving System." Proceedings of the 38th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC-2022), pp. 936-948, Dec. 2022.
Omar Boursalie, Reza Samavi, and Thomas E. Doyle. In Deep Learning Applications, volume 4, chapter "Evaluation of Sequential and Temporally-Embedded Deep Learning Models for Health Outcome Prediction." pp. 21-52, Springer Nature Singapore, Nov. 2022.
Omar Boursalie, Reza Samavi, and Thomas E. Doyle. "Evaluation methodology for deep learning imputation models." Experimental Biology and Medicine (EBM), special issue on Applied Artificial Intelligence in Biomedicine and Healthcare, Vol. 247, Issue. 22, pp. 1972-1987, SAGE Publications, Nov. 2022.
T. E. Doyle, V. Tucci, C. Zhu, Y. Zhang, B. Yassa, S. Rashidiani, Md A. Khan, R. Samavi, M. Noseworthy, and S. Yule. "Artificial Intelligence Nomenclature Identified From Delphi Study on Key Issues Related to Trust and Barriers to Adoption for Autonomous Systems." arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.09086 (2022).
Hirad Daneshvar and Reza Samavi, "Heterogeneous Patient Graph Embedding in Readmission Prediction." In the 35th Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (Canadian AI 2022), May 2022.
Poster Presentation: H. Karimi and R. Samavi, "Subjective Uncertainty Quantification in Federated Learning". In 2022 Vector Institute Research Symposium, Feb. 2022.
Poster Presentation: H. Daneshvar and R. Samavi, "Using Graph Neural Networks in Mental Health Service Utilization". In 2022 Vector Institute Research Symposium, Feb. 2022.
Poster Presentation: M. Thomas and R. Samavi, "Machine Learning Approach for Trust Inference in Medical AI". In 2022 Vector Institute Research Symposium, Feb. 2022.
Poster Presentation: O. Boursalie and R. Samavi, "Temporally-Embedded Decoder Transformer for Health Prediction". In 2022 Vector Institute Research Symposium, Feb. 2022.
Mohammadreza Heydarian, Thomas E. Doyle, and Reza Samavi, "MLCM: Multi-Label Confusion Matrix." IEEE Access, vol. 10, 19083-19095, published in February 2022.
Thomas E. Doyle, Reza Samavi, and Aisling Kelliher, "Reports of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence’s 2021 Fall Symposium Series", AAAI Magazine report on AAAI-Human symposium, Jan. 2022.
A. Sutton, R. Samavi, TE Doyle, and D. Koff. "Method for Enabling Trust in Collaborative Research." US Patent: No.11,244,076, Feb. 2022.
Omar Boursalie, Reza Samavi, and Thomas E. Doyle. "Decoder Transformer for Temporally-Embedded Health Outcome Predictions." 20th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA'21), December 13-16, 2021.
Mini Thomas, Reza Samavi, Thomas E. Doyle. "Trust Quantification for Autonomous Medical Advisory Systems." 18th IEEE International Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust (PST'21), Auckland, New Zealand, December 13-15, 2021.
Thomas E. Doyle, Aisling Kelliher, Reza Samavi, Barbara Barry, Steven Yule, Sarah Parker, Michael Noseworthy, Qian Yang. Proceedings of the AAAI 2021 Fall Symposium on Human Partnership with Medical AI: Design, Operationalization, and Ethics (AAAI-HUMAN), November 4-6, 2021, vol. 3068 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
Omar Boursalie, Reza Samavi, and Thomas E. Doyle. "Evaluation Metrics for Deep Learning Imputation Models." HIMSS Ontario Chapter, Digital Health Innovation Conference (HIMSS2021), November 2021.
Mini Thomas, Reza Samavi, and Thomas E. Doyle. "Towards Measuring Trust in Medical AI." HIMSS Ontario Chapter, Digital Health Innovation Conference (HIMSS2021), November 2021.
Omar Boursalie, Reza Samavi, and Thomas E. Doyle. "Evaluation Metrics for Deep Learning Imputation Models." In 5th International Workshop on Health Intelligence (W3PHIAI@AAAI 2021) at the 35th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, published as part of the Studies in Computational Intelligence book series (SCI, vol. 1013), February 2021.
Liang, Yuting and Reza Samavi. "Towards Robust Deep Learning with Ensemble Networks and Noisy Layers. In Towards Robust, Secure and Efficient Machine Learning (RSEML@AAAI 2021) Workshop at 35th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, February 2021.
Liang, Yuting and Reza Samavi. "Optimization-Based K-Anonymity Algorithms." Computers & Security, 93:101753, 2020 (pre-print).
Boursalie, Omar, Reza Samavi, Thomas Doyle, and David Koff. "Using medical imaging effective dose in deep learning models: Estimation and evaluation." IEEE Transactions on Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences (TRPMS), 2020.
Sabry, Moe, Reza Samavi, and Douglas Stebila "Archivesafe: Mass-leakage-resistant storage from proof-of-work." In 15th International DPM Workshop on Data Privacy Management, co-located with ESORICS 2020. Springer - LNCS, 2020.
Liang, Yuting and Reza Samavi. "Towards Robust Deep Learning with Ensemble Networks and Noisy Layers.", 2020.
Samavi, Reza, Mariano P. Consens, Shahan Khatchadourian, Vinh Nguyen, Amit P. Sheth, Jośe M. Giḿenez-Garćıa, and Harsh Thakkar, editors. Proceedings of the Blockchain enabled Semantic Web Workshop (BlockSW) and Contextualized Knowledge Graphs (CKG) Workshop co-located with the 18th International Semantic Web Conference, BlockSW/CKG@ISWC 2019, Auckland, New Zealand, October 27, 2019, vol. 2599 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings. (link).
Koff, David, Omar Boursalie, Reza Samavi, and Thomas E. Doyle. "Deep Learning Model for Cancer Risk from Low Dose Medical Imaging Radiation." ECR 2020 EuroSafe Imaging.
Wang, Yu, Reza Samavi and Nitin Sood. "Blockchain-based Marketplace for Software Testing." 17th IEEE International Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust (PST'19), Fredricton, Canada, August 26-28, 2019.
Foresi, Andrew and Reza Samavi. "Authentication Using Keystroke Dynamics via Crowdsourcing." 17th IEEE International Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust (PST'19), Fredricton, Canada, August 26-28, 2019.
Momeni, Pouyan, Yu Wang and Reza Samavi. "Machine Learning Model for Smart Contract Security Analysis." 17th IEEE International Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust (PST'19), Fredricton, Canada, August 26-28, 2019.
Ou, Yifan, and Reza Samavi. "Mixed Strategy Game Model Against Data Poisoning Attacks." Dependable and Secure Machine Learning workshop co-located with the 49th IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN 2019), Portland, Oregon, USA, June 24-27, 2019.
Boshra, Rober, Kiret Dhindsa, Omar Boursalie, Kyle I. Ruiter, Ranil Sonnadara, Reza Samavi, Thomas E. Doyle, James P. Reilly, John F. Connolly. "From Group-Level Statistics to Single-Subject Prediction: Machine Learning Detection of Concussion in Retired Athletes ." IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, (2019): 27(7), 1492-1501.
Sutton, Andrew, and Reza Samavi. "Integrity Proofs for RDF Graphs." Open Journal of Semantic Web (OJSW) 6(1) (2019): 1-18.
Ferderbar, Michelle L, Thomas E Doyle, Reza Samavi, and David A Koff. "An environmental scan of the national and provincial diagnostic reference levels in Canada for common adult computed tomography scans." Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal (CARJ), (2019): 70(2), 119-124.
Li, Mingyuan, and Reza Samavi. "DSAP: Data Sharing Agreement Privacy Ontology." In Proceedings of the 11th International Semantic Web Applications and Tools for Healthcare and Life Sciences (SWAT4LS'18) conference, 2018, in press.
Boursalie, Omar, Reza Samavi, and Thomas E. Doyle. "Machine Learning and Mobile Health Monitoring Platforms: A Case Study on Research and Implementation Challenges." Journal of Healthcare Informatics Research (2018): 1-25.
Sutton, Andrew, Reza Samavi, Thomas E. Doyle, and David Koff. "Digitized Trust in Human-in-the-Loop Health Research." In Proceedings of the 16th Internation Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust, pp. 223-232. 2018.
Samavi, Reza, and Mariano P. Consens. "Publishing privacy logs to facilitate transparency and accountability." Journal of Web Semantics 50 (2018): 1-20.
Sutton, Andrew, and Reza Samavi. "Tamper-Proof Privacy Auditing for Artificial Intelligence Systems." In IJCAI, pp. 5374-5378. 2018.
Sutton, Andrew, and Reza Samavi. "Timestamp-based Integrity Proofs for Linked Data." In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Semantic Big Data - SIGMOD 2018, p. 4. ACM, 2018.
Asl, Farshad Rahimi, Fei Chiang, Wenbo He, and Reza Samavi. "Privacy aware web services in the cloud." In Communications and Network Security (CNS), 2017 IEEE Conference on, pp. 458-466. IEEE, 2017.
Sutton, Andrew, and Reza Samavi. "Blockchain enabled privacy audit logs." In International Semantic Web Conference, pp. 645-660. Springer, Cham, 2017.
Shan, Qian, Thomas E. Doyle, Reza Samavi, and Mona Al-Rei. "Augmented Reality Based Brain Tumor 3D Visualization." Procedia Computer Science 113 (2017): 400-407.
Ariaeinejad, Ali, Reza Samavi, Teresa M. Chan, and Thomas E. Doyle. "A performance predictive model for emergency medicine residents." In Proceedings of the 27th Annual International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering, pp. 28-37. IBM Corp., 2017.
Samavi, Reza, Thomas E. Doyle, and Thodoros Topologlou. "The first workshop on blockchain & security in data intensive health research." In Proceedings of the 27th Annual International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering, pp. 333-336. IBM Corp., 2017
Asl, Farshad Rahimi, and Reza Samavi. "SyNORM: Symmetric Non Repudiated Message Authentication in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks." In Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Fall), 2017 IEEE 86th, pp. 1-5. IEEE, 2017.
Chan, T. M., R. Patel, A. Ariaeinejad, and R. Samavi. "LO40: Designing for the future: machine learning software in the age of competency-based medical education." Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine 19, no. S1 (2017): S41-S41.
Ariaeinejad, A., R. Patel, T. M. Chan, and R. Samavi. "P031: Using machine learning algorithms for predicting future performance of emergency medicine residents." Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine 19, no. S1 (2017): S88-S88.
Ghasemaghaei, Maryam, Manaf Zargoush, Stuart Phillips, and Reza Samiva. "Cognitive vs Chronological Age as Barriers to Using Wearable Activity Monitors in Older Adults." SIGHCI 2017 Proceedings (2017).
Nagpal, Megan, and Reza Samavi. "Using big data & analytics to predict hospital re-admissions." (2016).
Boursalie, Omar, Reza Samavi, and Thomas E. Doyle. "M4CVD: Mobile machine learning model for monitoring cardiovascular disease." Procedia Computer Science 63 (2015): 384-391.
Dong, Xiao, Reza Samavi, and Thodoros Topaloglou. "COC: An ontology for capturing semantics of circle of care." Procedia Computer Science 63 (2015): 589-594.
Samavi, Reza, Mariano P. Consens, and Mark Chignell. "PHR user privacy concerns and behaviours." Procedia Computer Science 37 (2014): 517-524.
Samavi, Reza, and Mariano P. Consens. "Publishing L2TAP Logs to Facilitate Transparency and Accountability." In LDOW. 2014.
Chignell, Mark, Mahsa Rouzbahman, Ryan Kealey, Reza Samavi, Erin Yu, and Tammy Sieminowski. "Nonconfidential patient types in emergency clinical decision support." IEEE Security & Privacy 11, no. 6 (2013): 12-18.
Samavi, Reza, Mariano P. Consens, and Thodoros Topaloglou. "A privacy framework for the personal web." In The Personal Web, pp. 87-112. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2013.
Samavi, Reza, and Mariano P. Consens. "L2TAP+ SCIP: An audit-based privacy framework leveraging Linked Data." In Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applications and Worksharing (CollaborateCom), 2012 8th International Conference on, pp. 719-726. IEEE, 2012.
Samavi, Reza, Mariano P. Consens, and Thodoros Topaloglou. "Privacy goals and settings mediator model for PHRs." In Privacy, Security, Risk and Trust (PASSAT) and 2011 IEEE Third Inernational Conference on Social Computing (SocialCom), 2011 IEEE Third International Conference on, pp. 1141-1146. IEEE, 2011.
Samavi, Reza, and Mariano P. Consens. "Towards Smart Privacy on the Personal Web." In Proc. of the First Symp. on the Personal Web, Co-located with CASCON. 2010.
Samavi, Reza, Eric Yu, and Thodoros Topaloglou. "Strategic reasoning about business models: a conceptual modeling approach." Information Systems and e-Business Management 7, no. 2 (2009): 171-198.
Samavi, Reza, and Thodoros Topaloglou. "Designing privacy-aware personal health record systems." In International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, pp. 12-21. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2008.
Samavi, Reza, Eric Yu, and Thodoros Topaloglou. "Applying strategic business modeling to understand disruptive innovation." In Proceedings of the 10th international conference on Electronic commerce, p. 15. ACM, 2008.
Samavi, Reza, Mariano Consens, Shahan Khatchadourian, and Thodoros Topaloglou. "Exploring PSI-MI XML Collections Using DescribeX." Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics 4, no. 3 (2007): 123-134.
Samavi, Reza, and Teresa Chiu. "User-Computer Interface Design of a Family Support Web-based Portal: The Use of Scenarios and Low Fidelity Prototype." In Medinfo 2007: Proceedings of the 12th World Congress on Health (Medical) Informatics; Building Sustainable Health Systems, p. 1558. IOS Press, 2007.
Copyright © Reza Samavi. All rights reserved.