L2TAP Ontology Modules


Tamper-proof Privacy Audit Logs Download

This page provides downloads of the log integrity and authenticity verification scalability experiment datasets. The datasets were synthetically generated and licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. The downloads are serialized in TriG.

All datasets were tested with SPARQL queries executed on a Virtuoso 7.2.4 server and quad store deployed on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux server release 7.3 (Maipo).

Datasets for Log Integrity Experiment

The L2TAP log event header, body, and signature graphs contained in the datasets were input to the log event integrity and signature verification algorithm. This algorithm verifies if the integrity proof digest (cryptographic hash) of the log event and signature is unchanged and the signature is valid.

Dataset 1, This dataset contains an L2TAP privacy audit log composed of 98 log events with 9487 triples.
Dataset 1.2, This dataset contains an L2TAP privacy audit log composed of 1998 log events with 197,587 triples.
Dataset 1.3, This dataset contains an L2TAP privacy audit log composed of 3998 log events with 395,587 triples.
Dataset 1.4, This dataset contains an L2TAP privacy audit log composed of 5998 log events with 593,587 triples.
Dataset 1.5, This dataset contains an L2TAP privacy audit log composed of 7998 log events with 791,587 triples.
Dataset 1.6, This dataset contains an L2TAP privacy audit log composed of 9998 log events with 989,587 triples.

Dataset 2, This dataset contains an L2TAP privacy audit log and signature and block graphs for each event composed of 98 log events, 98 signature graphs, and 98 block graphs with 11,251 triples.
Dataset 2.1, This dataset contains an L2TAP privacy audit log and signature and block graphs for each event composed of 1998 log events, 1998 signature graphs, and 1998 block graphs with 233,550 triples.
Dataset 2.3, This dataset contains an L2TAP privacy audit log and signature and block graphs for each event composed of 3998 log events, 3998 signature graphs, and 3998 block graphs with 467,551 triples.
Dataset 2.4, This dataset contains an L2TAP privacy audit log and signature and block graphs for each event composed of 5998 log events, 5998 signature graphs, and 5998 block graphs with 701,551 triples.
Dataset 2.5, This dataset contains an L2TAP privacy audit log and signature and block graphs for each event composed of 7998 log events, 7998 signature graphs, and 7998 block graphs with 935,551 triples.
Dataset 2.6 This dataset contains an L2TAP privacy audit log and signature and block graphs for each event composed of 9998 log events, 9998 signature graphs, and 9998 block graphs with 1,169,551 triples.

L2TAP-participant module extension

There is an additional property added to the L2TAP-participant module. The hasSignedEvent property links the signature graph and the signed event graph.

Namespace URI:



3 Classes, 2 Properties