If you wish to share your creation with the rest of the Internet community, send a description to: sblack@ee.ryerson.ca.
The MAT console queries each host to determine which objects it can monitor. Each MAT host returns a list of all of the objects it can monitor, along with a function name, and arguments necessary to run the TCL monitoring script. In effect the console it told:
During the agent installation MAT will attempt to discover which monitored objects a host has. It searches the $MATHOME/lib directory for any *.mon files. Once it finds a file with a .mon extension, it searches the file for the procedures within it. It is these procedures which gather the data. It is these procedures which you will create. Each procedure must be able to determine if it is appropriate for the type of operatiing system it is run on. For example if the monitored object is the number of NFS requests. The monitored object should determine if the "nfsstat" function exists on the operation system. During the discovery of the monitored objects, each procedure is invoked with the "Discover" argument. If the monitored paramater is available on the given operating system, then it will return a configuration string. This configuration string is retreived when the Status icon is double-clicked on the console. It tells the console about your monitored object. The format is as follows:
array set tclmon2t {10000 { 0x l
myicon.gif myscript.mon myFunction "Description" instance_Arguments } }
Each monitored object function must
generate the above configuration string on request. This is done
by requireing each monitoring function to process the argument "Discover".
Below is an example:
proc myFunction { args } {
global mat_os
# Discovery:
Tell the console if this monitoring script is supported by this OS
if { $args == "discover"
} {
switch -- $mat_os {
linux {
return "array set tclmon2t \{10000 \{ 0x l myicon.gif myfile.mon myFunction
\"Description\" \}\}"
# The monitoring
code goes here
Copy the above code fragment to a file
called myfile.mon, in the $MATHOME/lib directory. The mat_os
a variable provided by MAT. It is set to the OS type e.g. linux,
solaris, sunos, hpux, or irix. You can test the script by running
the cmd function. Change directory to the MAT bin/ directory, on
a machine where the MAT agent and myfile.mon reside. To test it run:
MATTCL mon myfile.mon myFunction Discover
It will return a string like:
set tclmon2t {1000 { 0x l myicon.gif myfile.mon myFunction
"Description" }}
Now you are ready to create the icon for
the console, and write the script to gather the data.
Now you are ready to write the script to
gather the data.
The monitoring protion of the function has two functions:
Gathering the data may require reading
a file, running command(s), or some other actions. The Tcl interpreter
makes this relatively painless. What follows are some simple code
fragmants for reading files, and running commands.
# Clear the data
set data {}
# Open the file
set fid [ open
"$exports" r ]
# Read the data
into the data list.
while { [ gets
$fid fout ] > 0 } {
lappend data $fout
close $fid
# The data variable
contains the contents of the file.
# It's now ready
for parsing. We will assume any non-blank
# line not starting
with a "#" is an exported filesystem.
set counter 0
foreach line $data
# Skip any lines starting with a "#"
if { [regexp -- "^\#" $line ] == 1 } {
# Count the non-blank lines.
# A solaris export entry will start with an "s" in the line.
# All others will start with a "/", so just look for those.
if { [regexp -- "^[s\/]" $line ] == 1 } {
incr counter 1
# That's it.
The counter variable contains the number of
# filesystems this
machine is configured to export.
The counter would have to be displayed
in a meaningful format. Output formatting will be covered later.
The next example will do the same, ,but will get the information from the
"showmount command.
# Check the OS
type to determine where the file listing exports lies
global mat_os
switch -- $mat_os
linux {
set shcmd "/usr/sbin/showmount"
set discard 0
solaris | irix | hpux {
set shcmd "/usr/sbin/showmount"
set discard 1
sunos {
set exports "/usr/etc/showmount"
set discard 1
set sharg "-e"
# Now run the command
set ds "set data
\[exec $netstat $netarg 2>/dev/null \]"
eval $ds
set t [lrange [split
$data "\n" ] $discard end ]
Saving the Data
After gathering the data it is necessary to store the data. This is done by calling the Util::Record function with the data points as shown:
Initializing and Destroying
It may be necessary to initialize variable and open files before gathering data. An initializer procedure is needed for all monitored parameter scripts. At a minimum it should look like:
namespace eval Report {
# Version of the script
set version 1
# Export the functions. Do not export the
Discover routine
namespace export Discover Initialize Monitor
# Discover
proc Report::Discover { } {
# Discover every instance of the parameter that
can be monitored by this scr
global mat_os
if { $mat_os == "irix" } {
set instanceData ""
source "lib/cpuuse.jds"
regsub -all -- "instanceData" $Description "$instanceData"
set ol ""
append ol "array set o2t \{378 \{ 0g h $IconName
cpuuse.jds \"rClickMatd .tp
.host.canvas 378 cpuuse\" \"$instanceDescription\" \}\}\n"
append ol "MATD: interval 378 2 11 60000 0 0
var/cpuuse 720 cpuuse 99 95 -\n
return $ol
# Initialize
proc Report::Initialize { } {
# Monitor
proc Report::Monitor { } {
global mat_os
global instanceData
set vms "/usr/bin/vmstat"
if { $mat_os == "irix" } {
set vms "/usr/bsd/uptime"
set ds "set data \[exec $vms 1 2 2>/dev/null
eval $ds
set t [lrange [split $data {\n} ] end end ]
set t2 ""
regsub -all {[ \t]+} $t { } t2
set t [string trimright [split $t2 ] {\}} ]
set l [llength $t ]
set sy [lindex $t [expr $l - 2 ] ]
set us [lindex $t [expr $l - 3 ] ]
Util::Record $us $sy
# Destroy
proc Report::Destroy { } {