L2TAP Ontology Modules



This module provides a generic infrastructure for logging privacy events and reasoning about their provenance. Log events are temporal objects and L2TAP-core is centred around answering provenance queries for these temporal objects; queries such as: when has a log event been contributed to the log? who has contributed the log event to the log? and what is the content of the log event?

Namespace URI:



4 Classes, 6 Properties


This module supports assertions about the log itself. The ontology provides answer to queries about the log characteristics such as: who the logger is? how the time is expressed in the log? when has the log been initialized?

Namespace URI:



2 Classes, 3 Properties


This module supports assertions about participants to be captured. This ontology module provides answers to the queries about the participants of a log. The l2tap:Participant is an abstract participant and is represented as a lattice using rdfs:subClassOf. The hierarchical structure of participant types, the authentication method of a participant, and other domain-dependent characteristics of participants (e.g., using FOAF to add triples about the WebID or email addresses of a participant) are aspects of a log’s participants that will be expressed using this module.

Namespace URI:



3 Classes, 2 Properties


The SCIP ontology module is used to capture necessary knowledge for answering information accountability queries using SPARQL. Compliance queries can be used to check validity, attribution, and evidence of information accountability. Some of the representative compliance queries that the SCIP ontology should be able to answer, are: Who accessed the information and when? who performed an obligation and when? Is an obligation violated? what are the data requestor pending obligations?

Namespace URI:



19 Classes, 38 Properties

Optional Modules

Optional modules for the L2TAP ontology include Roles, Purposes, Privacy Privileges and Data Items. These modules  require class hierarchies (expressed using rdfs:subClassOf) designed on a case by case basis to capture abstract and concrete roles, purposes, privacy privileges and data items. The superclass of all these hierarchies is a placeholder we call Any. The current inclusion of these modules in the SCIP ontology is for a simplified case of Health self-management scenario.

Namespace URI:


Modular structure of the L2TAP ontology